
Join our movement classes led by our specialists

T’ai Chi Chih®

19 gentle movements that benefit the body, mind and spirit. Improve balance, energy, sense of joy and creativity!

Our T’ai Chi Chih classes are led by Physical Therapist, and Certified T’ai Chi Chih Instructor, Barbara Edin. Barbara gently guides students through the 19 movements and pose in a calm, joy-filled environment.

Wonderful benefits for body mind and spirit

  • Increase Energy and Creativity

  • Improve Breath & Relaxation

  • Increase Ability to Center & Focus

  • Better Sense of Joy and Well Being

  • Improve Balance, Coordination and Flexibility

Choose connection to each other and the earth

Choose Joy in each movement

If you would like to contract services with Barbara, Cammie or Amy for your company or facility please contact Jan Nelson at 701-261-3142 or email her at

Yoga Therapy


Led by Cammie Lamey

In life our muscles respond instinctively to physical demands and emotional stresses by contracting but often do not release those contractions. Eventually our ligament, tendon and bone structure changes resulting in movement restriction, doing less of what we want to do, and eventually pain.

The goal is to return to functional movement!  Somatic and therapeutic yoga movements will be used to retrain the brain and muscles to create more well-designed movement.  You will:

  • Become curious about the state of the body & mind

  • Regain ease in stillness and in movement 

  • Return to favorite activities 

  • Feel energized 
    These movements can be done lying on the floor, sitting in a firm chair, and standing – you are asked to do them where you feel most comfortable and safe!

If you would like to contract services with Barbara, Cammie or Amy for your company or facility please contact Jan Nelson at 701-261-3142 or email her at



If you would like to contract services with Barbara, Cammie or Amy for your company or facility please contact Jan Nelson at 701-261-3142 or email her at