HeartSprings Parkinson's Seminars


We will be offering three seminars this year in March, June, and September on

the Third Tuesday of the month. Our seminars are open to anyone dealing with

the challenge of Parkinson’s but we are having a special focus on farmers, who

are often isolated, lack community support, and live a stressful lifestyle. We

welcome you in person AND online. Meals will be provided for in person event.


 Jan Nelson, integrative occupational therapist with 40 years of experience

and 20 years specific to Parkinson’s holistic programming.

Barbara Edin, integrative physical therapist with 40 years of experience and

certified Ta’I Chi Chih instructor.

 Camelia Lamey, integrative somatic movement therapist.

Arlene Erb, retired nurse and reflexologist

March 19th, 10am-3pm  MUSIC AND MOVEMENT:  Learn how music can help regulate your nervous system and how ALL movements big and small help re-balance the body.     

June 18th, 10am-3pm   FOOD AS MEDICINE:  Learn how food affects your body, mind, and spirit and how to improve the functioning of your gut.  [Medical science is now recognizing that many chronic diseases start in the gut, including PD.]

September, 17th, 10am-3pm   STRESS:  Learn how your nervous system works, notice how your body is reacting, and what you can do about it to interrupt the chronic stress cycle.    

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